Book an Event

Three great reasons to host a craft event at your venue:
  • Offer your customers a reason to stay longer and keep returning.
  • Bring new customers to your venue who visit the event and discover their new favourite place to be.
  • Create a great atmosphere and an experience that will be remembered.

Why choose Handmade in Norway?

We have arranged over 300 events in Oslo. With this amount of experience, you are guaranteed a smooth and well organised event, with well practiced routines. We have a very large creative community with high caliber makers, who just love to join our events.

  • We do all of the work, from start to finish, allowing you to continue with business as usual.
  • We receive applications and curate the participants to ensure each event delivers a wide variety of high quality handmade products from local makers.
  • We promote the event through our own popular channels, and we will tag your venue on social media to ensure that you get maximum traction from hosting your tailor-made event.
  • Do you want to focus on one particular type of craft, for example ceramics, redesign or botanical inspired crafts? not a problem. Our community is large enough for us to find just the right makers for your event.
  • We run the show for you on the day. Our events team will arrive early, set up and coordinate everything throughout the entire event. You will only ever have to communicate with one contact person.
  • Our community of makers have access to our workshops and learning materials, which means that they become experts too. We provide a friendly and professional service for both our customers and our community of makers.
  • We have a great track record, arranging events at some popular venues in Oslo including; Kulturhuset, Salt, Løkkadagene/ Løkkamarkedet, Sandvika Byfest, Vulkan.

Our commitment

We are paving the way for a new understanding and appreciation of high quality handmade products. We create fun but professional sales arenas to nurture direct contact between makers and customers. We believe in giving customers the opportunity to buy locally and from local makers, creating a more personal, sustainable and environmentally conscious sales experience.